On Friday, the province of Ontario announced that is seeking a partner for Ontario Place’s west island as it moves ahead on transforming the site into a vibrant, year-round waterfront destination that is innovative, fun, and engaging for residents and visitors of all ages.
Ontario is searching for an anchor partner that will help realize the province’s vision for the West Island of Ontario Place as a vibrant hub for culture, discovery, and innovation. The province has stipulated that any proposal must protect and enhance public access to the waterfront and visitors’ ability to enjoy the unique public asset, including retaining the Cinesphere and pods. Residential or gaming—casino—uses will not be permitted.
Finding a partner for the West Island is the next phase in transforming Ontario Place into a year-round waterfront destination. The first phase, the Trillium Park and William G. Davis Trail, was completed in June 2017 as part of Ontario’s 150th anniversary celebrations and adds 3 hectares of new park land to Toronto’s waterfront.
While this process is underway, Ontario is upgrading the Cinesphere, creating event spaces out of two existing pods, and animating the West Island for various events including four Ontario150-themed festivals.
Transforming Ontario Place into an innovative and exciting public space is part of our plan to create jobs, grow our economy and help people in their everyday lives.