Today, the province of Nova Scotia announced support for water and wastewater projects in ten communities through the Provincial Capital Assistance Program.

“Access to safe drinking water and wastewater treatment are vital for strong, healthy communities,” said MLA Keith Irving on behalf of Municipal Affairs Minister Chuck Porter. “This funding will support important municipal projects to maintain and improve these essential services for residents.”

Irving announced $99,072 for a joint project between the Village of New Minas and the Municipality of the County of Kings. The project includes the creation of a master plan for the water utility, a stormwater and sanitary sewer management plan and an overall asset management plan.

Also today, in Lunenburg, MLA Suzanne Lohnes-Croft announced $37,500 for a wastewater treatment and collection study for the Town of Lunenburg.

The Provincial Capital Assistance Program permits the province to contribute funds towards high-cost, priority municipal infrastructure projects. This year’s investment by the province is $690,000.

Successful projects for 2018–19 include expansion design for wastewater facilities, and studies on wastewater and sewage treatment plants.

Following is the complete list of projects being undertaken through the program.

  • Cape Breton Regional Municipality: $186,737 toward the Sanitary Sewer and Infiltration Reduction Program.
  • Municipality of Chester: $61,250 toward an engineering design to expand wastewater facilities.
  • Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s: $8,000 towards the Sherbrooke Sewage Treatment Plant System Assessment Report.
  • Town of Stewiacke: $31,286 towards a well field search.
  • Town of Lunenburg: $37,500 for a wastewater treatment and collection study.
  • Municipality of Inverness: $54,750 for the assessment of water and wastewater facilities.
  • Municipality of the District of Barrington: $92,119 toward the replacement of Clarifier Brass Hill treatment plant.
  • Village of New Minas/Municipality of Kings: $99,072 for an asset plan.
  • Municipality of Richmond: $15,000 for a pre-engineering study to upgrade the Arichat/Petit De Grat sewage treatment plant.
  • Town of Antigonish: $104,286 for a water utility sludge management system.


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