Upgraded wastewater infrastructure for Town of Lunenburg and Municipality of the District of Lunenburg

Cookville, NS – Kody Blois, Member of Parliament for Kings—Hants, the Honourable Susan Corkum-Greek, Minister of Economic Development and Member of the Legislative Assembly for Lunenburg, Her Worship Carolyn Bolivar-Getson, Mayor of the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, and His Worship Matt Risser, Mayor of the Town of Lunenburg, have announced a combined investment of more than $28.8 million to upgrade wastewater and active transportation infrastructure in the Town of Lunenburg and the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg.

Two projects will support upgrades to local wastewater treatment plants. The first project will upgrade the Cookville Wastewater Treatment facility in the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, which will increase treatment capacity and accommodate future residential and commercial growth. The second project will improve the wastewater treatment plant in the Town of Lunenburg by replacing mechanical and electrical equipment, adding a backup generator, and converting the existing wastewater treatment process to a sequencing batch reactor. These projects will increase the capacity to treat and manage wastewater to support growth in the Town and the Municipality of Lunenburg for years to come.

The third project will see the construction of the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg’s Osprey Village Active Transportation Connector. This consists of a 1.2-kilometre-long active transportation multi-use pathway, a 280-metre sidewalk section, and a 75-metre multi-use pathway bridge connecting Osprey Village’s developments with the Town of Bridgewater. The crossing will create a new opportunity for safe, non-vehicular travel between two neighbouring municipalities.

Upgrading wastewater and active transportation infrastructure builds on the Government of Canada’s commitment to reduce water pollution, provide clean water, as well as encourage safe, environmentally friendly transportation options to Canadians.

By investing in infrastructure, the Government of Canada is growing our country’s economy, increasing the resiliency of our communities, and improving the lives of Canadians.

“Today’s announcement on upgraded wastewater treatment facilities and additional active transportation infrastructure for Lunenburg is great news. These projects will reduce water pollution and support residential and commercial growth in the town and municipality for years to come. The Government of Canada is committed to working with our partners in provincial and municipal governments to ensure that communities like Lunenburg continue to grow and remain healthy and active through investments in critical infrastructure.” – Kody Blois, Member of Parliament for Kings—Hants, on behalf of the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities

“This crucial project is the largest and most important step toward modernizing the Town’s wastewater system and supporting the Town’s future growth and long-term viability through increased servicing capacity. The support provided by other levels of government to our residents is both welcomed and appreciated.” – His Worship Matt Risser, Mayor of the Town of Lunenburg

Quick facts

  • The Government of Canada is investing $11,531,139 in these projects. The Government of Nova Scotia is contributing $9,608,958. The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg is providing $5,025,617, while the Town of Lunenburg is providing $2,662,133.
  • The Government of Canada’s funding comes from the Green Infrastructure Stream and the Rural and Northern Infrastructure Stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program.
  • Under the Investing in Canada Plan, the federal government is investing more than $180 billion over 12 years in public transit projects, green infrastructure, social infrastructure, trade and transportation routes, and Canada’s rural and northern communities.
  • Over the past six years, the Government of Canada has invested more than $1.2 billion towards more than 400 infrastructure projects across Nova Scotia.
  • During that period, over $50 billion has been invested by Infrastructure Canada in communities across the country to support world-class infrastructure projects, including over $2.8 billion for wastewater infrastructure projects and $711 million for active transportation infrastructure projects.
  • Infrastructure Canada helps address complex challenges that Canadians face every day—ranging from the rapid growth of our cities, to climate change, and environmental threats to our water and land.
  • The funding announced today builds on the Government of Canada’s work through the Atlantic Growth Strategy to create well-paying middle-class jobs, strengthen local economies, and build inclusive communities

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