Tag: Impact Assessment Act

Environmental assessment sinks Quebec port expansion project

The federal government has blocked the Laurentia Project, a major deep-water expansion at the Port of Quebec, having determined the potential significant direct and...

What Bill C-69 Means for Navigable Waters in Canada

Last Thursday Senators voted to pass Bill C-69, which contains changes to Canada’s laws pertaining to impact assessment, energy regulation, and protection of navigable...

Impact Assessment Act Weakened by Lobbying Say Environmental Groups

Groups including West Coast Environmental Law, Canadian Freshwater Alliance, and Ecojustice have called attention to the possible weakening of environmental impact assessments through lobbied...

Public Favours Improved Scientific Rigour in Environmental Assessments

According to new research, the Government of Canada has a strong public mandate to improve science-based decision making in environmental assessments (EAs), while industry...

Proposed Impact Assessment Act Has a Mixed Impact

Last week, the Government of Canada introduced Bill C-69, which would introduce the Impact Assessment Act, replacing the Environmental Assessment Act. “Previous reforms to environmental...

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