Tag: efficiency

RDCK and Corix Water Products Complete Meter Installations in Balfour, B.C.

The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) and Corix Water Products have completed the installation of water meters for customers on the Balfour Water...

Calgary Biosolids Composting Facility to Begin Operation

Calgary’s Organics Composting Facility has achieved substantial completion and will divert dewatered biosolids from one of the city’s wastewater treatment facilities. Maple Reinders announced that...

Guelph, Ont. Wins Award for Water Efficiency

The Ontario Water Works Association (OWWA) has recognized the City of Guelph's leadership in water conservation with a 2017 Award of Excellence in Water...

How Does Conservation Pricing Affect Municipal Water Demand?

The City of Guelph has been a pioneer in the promotion of water conservation and efficiency in Canada. Motivated by limited supplies of local...

Study Links Softener to Energy Use

Softeners are among the "very best" household energy savers, says a new independent study released by the Battelle Institute, commissioned by the Water Quality...

Public Campaign Promotes Conservation

A coalition of environmental, industry, labour and community organizations as well as individual Ontarians launched a public campaign today to advocate that the...

Guelph Introduces Rainwater Rebate

The City of Guelph, Ontario continues to blaze a trail in water conservation and efficiency. Just a few weeks ago, the City defined vulnerable...

Guelph Identifies Protected Areas, Unveils Efficiency Rebates

The City of Guelph, Ontario made two big announcements yesterday. Firstly, the City has identified vulnerable local water supply source areas in need of protection,...

Global Water Roundtable Created: Stockholm

A new initiative launched during World Water Week in Stockholm will establish global standards for water stewardship, with the goal of addressing the global...

Guelph Adopts WCESU Recommendations

Guelph, Ontario's City Council voted to adopt the policy recommendations of Water Conservation and Efficiency Strategy Update (WCESU) at this week's Council meeting. The recommendations...

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