The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) and Corix Water Products have completed the installation of water meters for customers on the Balfour Water System.

This work is part of a larger upgrade project to improve water system infrastructure provide the Balfour community with an enhanced water system that emphasizes efficiency, dependability, and water conservation. It will also will help to ensure the sustainability of the system in future years.

“I would like to thank Balfour homeowners for taking the time to book their installations and participate in this important project,” said Ramona Faust, director of Electoral Area E at RDCK. “I am committed to this project because it means a better water system for Balfour. I am pleased to see that same commitment from members of the community.”

RDCK Water Services has started to monitor water usage in the Balfour Water System. Once it has collected commercial, household and irrigation data, it will be able to start the process to develop metered rates, with metered billing to commence in 2020. Balfour water users will be consulted regarding metered rate setting, and can expect to receive a letter with more information about this process in March.

“In addition to the expected reduction in consumption, metering has already allowed us to find several leaks that were addressed immediately, and we’ll be contacting other residents who may have issues with unwanted water usage or leakage,” said Uli Wolf, general manager of environmental services at RDCK. “Thank you to all Balfour homeowners for working with us to ensure our infrastructure is maintained for many years to come.”

“The successful completion of the Balfour Water System Universal Metering Program wouldn’t be possible without the cooperation from the community, the RDCK, and our partner, Diameter Services,” said Alex Hazenack, project manager at Corix Water Products. “Corix would like to thank everyone for their cooperation while our installation teams safely installed new water meters throughout the community, and for helping to make the project a success.”

Universal water metering was initiated in 2018 as part of the Balfour Water System Upgrades Project. With universal metering in place, the water system will see improved demand-side management that will reduce the need to issue Stage 3 water conservation measures. In addition, research has shown that metering can reduce consumption by up to 25 per cent. This reduced water consumption can extend the life of water system infrastructure, thereby reducing costs to users.


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