Tag: Alberta Environment

Hydraulic Fracturing Report Moves Research Agenda Forward in Canada

A new report released today seeks to aid provincial and federal governments in determining the best areas in which to advance studies related to...

Getting Creative with the Law

We’re big fans of creative sentences—it’s no surprise, since Dianne helped to develop them 30 years ago. They flow from three basic observations about...

App Savvy

When Mike Scarth at the Alberta WaterPortal became interested in mobile water applications (colloquially termed “apps”), he directed summer students to research what was...

Kent Releases Athabasca Water Quality Monitoring Plan

Earlier this week, Environment Minister Peter Kent presented Environment Canada's plan for a new Lower Athabasca Water Quality Monitoring Program. Developed in collaboration with...

Reuse It or Lose It

Canada depends on its water for agricultural, industrial, and domestic uses—but does it use more than it needs? A report from the Conference Board...

Alberta Releases Water Reporting Video

According to the Alberta Water Council's website, Alberta Environment's online water use reporting system has been operational since 2006 and has been steadily increasing...

Third Party to Review Oilsands Water Data

A committee of independent scientists will be created to review water monitoring data collected from Alberta’s oil sands region, announced the Province earlier this...

ConocoPhillips to Donate Medicine River Water Licence

The Water Conservation Trust of Canada announced today it has been named a recipient in a landmark application to transfer an Alberta water licence....

Flyovers Give Understanding of Groundwater

What flies above will soon give improved knowledge about what flows below. Starting January 16, residents and motorists may notice low-flying aircraft streaking across...

Suncor Subcontractor Sentenced

Subcontractor Rodney McCabe has been ordered under house arrest for 11 months for his role in sewage being released into the Athabasca River. In 2005...

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