Ontario’s water sector is currently home to 900 water-industry-specific companies. Credit: John Vetterli.
Ontario’s water sector is currently home to 900 water-industry-specific companies. Credit: John Vetterli.

According to WaterTAP Ontario, Canada’s most populous province has awarded more water industry patents in the past 30 years than any other comparable government jurisdiction in the world. Ontario’s water sector is currently home to 900 water-industry-specific companies, and the government’s Water Sector Strategy is focused on growing the industry and holding Ontario’s spot as a global leader.

Ontario is home to a number of organizations with significant water expertise, including:

– The United Nations University-Institute for Water, Environment and Health, which is based out of Hamilton and serves as the UN’s think-tank on water
– The National Water Research Institute in Burlington, the country’s largest freshwater science organization
– The Canadian Water Network in Waterloo, which works to connect water researchers from Canada and abroad to water management decision-makers
– The Water Institute, which works out of the University of Waterloo, an international leader in water research


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