One of two water reservoirs in Cold Lake South, Alberta will be modernized so that it can continue to supply residents with water during a power outage.
At its regular meeting in June 2020, City Council voted to expand the scope of the Building #10 Modernization Project to include new pumps, upgrades to the electrical systems, and a back-up generator. The generator will ensure that power outages will not affect the water distribution system in Cold Lake South.
Cold Lake South has two reservoirs. However, no power back-up generation exists. The total modernization project stands at $1.35 million. $452,000 was added to the project’s original budget to cover the cost of the upgrade and bids that came in higher than expected. The additional money was allocated from the Gas Tax Fund, an infrastructure grant available to all municipalities.
“This project has been on the books since 2017, and we’ve increased its scope several times to make sure that it is done right, and will not have to be revisited any time soon,” said Mayor Craig Copeland. “This is part of the infrastructure that is largely unseen, and we tend to take for granted, but it’s important to know that critical work is being done to ensure reliable municipal services for our residents and businesses.”
Work on the project is expected to be completed by the end of the 2020 construction season.
Cold Lake North has one reservoir in its distribution system, which has already been equipped with backup power.