Capital Regional District Seeks Feedback on Watershed Management Plan

The Capital Regional District (CRD) is developing a watershed management plan to improve the water quality of Elk/Beaver Lake and seeking feedback on it from the public.

Studies show the water quality of Elk/Beaver Lake is deteriorating. High nutrient levels have contributed to algae blooms, increased invasive aquatic plant growth, low dissolved oxygen levels, and decreasing water clarity. Many levels of government are working collaboratively to address the lake’s water quality issues.

Work done by the CRD, in partnership with an intergovernmental working group (IWG), has confirmed that the primary source of issues in the lake is the high level of nutrients coming from both external and internal sources. A watershed management plan is being developed to address external sources of nutrients that enter the lake from urban development, septic systems, and agriculture in the surrounding area.

Public engagement is a key part of developing the CRD’s watershed management plan for Elk/Beaver Lake. The CRD welcomes feedback from residents and interest groups on this work. There are three ways for capital region residents to learn more and participate in the development of the plan:

  • Online at
  • In person at an information session event:
    • Wednesday, July 31 at the Greek Community Hall (4648 Elk Lake Drive)
    • Open house: 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
    • Presentation: 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
  • In person by participating in a workshop later this summer. Dates, details, and registration to follow.

Following the initial public engagement, a draft watershed management plan will be made public later in 2019, along with the opportunity to provide feedback on the plan. Feedback received will be shared with the CRD Board to inform decisions about a final watershed management plan.

The internal source of nutrients – that have built up in the lake sediments – will be addressed through a separate in-lake remediation plan currently underway.

More information is available here.

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