Canada & FCM Launch New Asset Management Initiative

The Government of Canada and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) are launching a new initiative to help local governments strengthen their asset management practices.

FCM has awarded $3.6 million to 22 partner organizations from across the country to design and deliver local asset management training to Canadian municipalities. These partners are non-profit, non-governmental organizations from across Canada with a mandate of serving the municipal sector, positioned to help municipalities develop their asset management from theory into practice.

“This new initiative will help local governments plan, build and maintain their infrastructure more strategically, which will make infrastructure dollars go further,” said Amarjeet Sohi, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities. “With a clearer vision of their long-term needs, they will be able to invest in infrastructure projects in the best way possible, benefiting Canadians for years to come.”

Between September 2017 and June 2018, 22 partner organizations across Canada will deliver 60 learning activities tailored specifically to the needs of the municipalities in the regions they serve.  Funded activities include workshops, peer-to-peer learning activities, conference presentations, panels or webinars, coaching, and mentoring (one-on-one) and courses.

“Local governments generate exceptional public value from the resources available to them. Continuing to strengthen their asset management practices will mean even stronger outcomes, both for the residents they serve and for the country we’re building together,” said Jenny Gerbasi, president, FCM.

One such session is a workshop to be delivered by the Atlantic Infrastructure Management Network tailored to elected officials at the Union of New Brunswick Municipalities annual conference on September 29th. Another example is in Manitoba where the Association of Manitoba Municipalities will create an asset management leadership committee tasked with developing a guide and delivering workshops and training. And in the Northwest Territories, the NWT Association of Communities will provide learning opportunities tailor-made for their communities in the form of short videos, a guide, a toolkit, and a workshop.

Funding for the partner organizations grants is provided by the Municipal Asset Management Program (MAMP), a five-year, $50 million initiative funded by the Government of Canada and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.

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