H2O Innovation Signs $9.1M Ultrafiltration Contract for San Diego, CA

Quebec’s H2O Innovation Inc. was awarded its largest ultrafiltration contract to date with the City of San Diego, California. This new contract, for a water treatment plant of 40 MGD (151,416 m3/day) capacity, brings the corporation’s project sales backlog to $56.8 million.

The San Diego North City Pure Water Facility is a project that was developed to address the need for a new, locally controlled, drought-proof water supply to diversify the city’s drinking water portfolio. A 1.0 MGD (3,785 m3/day) advanced water purification demonstration facility was developed in 2009 and has operated for years to evaluate the feasibility of a full-scale reservoir augmentation. The projects’ operational testing and monitoring verified that the water purification process meets all state and federal drinking water standards (Water Purification Demonstration Project).

The pilot project’s education and outreach program successfully increased the public’s understanding and approval of water purification, rising from 26 per cent in 2004 to 73 per cent in 2012.

Worth $9.1 million, San Diego awarded the contract to H2O Innovation for the design, manufacturing, start-up, and commissioning of a 12-train hollow fiber ultrafiltration system to treat the 151,416 cubic metres per day of nitrified, tertiary filtered, ozone-enhanced, biologically active filtration wastewater.

“H2O Innovation is ecstatic to be working with the City of San Diego and its consultants on the North City Pure Water Facility. We have been involved with many great and well known indirect potable reuse projects, like Orange County Water District’s GWRS, Los Angeles Sanitation’s Terminal Island Water Reclamation Plant, Water Replenishment District’s Leo J. Vander AWTF expansion, and now to have another premier project, and our largest UF reference to date, just down the road from our Vista office is very exciting”, said David Faber, vice president of capital projects sales for H2O Innovation.

For more on Water Canada’s coverage of water, wastewater, and biosolids reuse stories in 2017, follow this link.

Cover photo is from the Orange County Facility and courtesy of H2O Innovation Inc.

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