Toronto Launches Water Meter Program

The City of Toronto officially kicked off its Water Meter Program yesterday with the installation of the first automated water meter in a residential home under the new program. This mandatory initiative will install or replace the meter in every home and business in Toronto (approximately 465,000 meters) over the next six years.

The new meters will be able to securely transmit data remotely to data collection units across the city, which will then be securely transmitted to a central database, effectively eliminating the need for City staff to enter people’s homes to obtain a water meter reading. The new meters will also help to improve water conservation, save in operational costs, and ensure fair and equitable billing for every Toronto Water customer.

The new meters will be installed free of charge and will roll out ward by ward, beginning in Ward 18 (Davenport) and Ward 28 (Toronto Centre-Rosedale). The six-year rollout plan first targets businesses and the 72,000 households that do not currently have a water meter (flat rate customers), followed by customers who already have a meter. Residents will be notified by mail when installers are in their area and instructed on how to book an appointment.

“We strive to continually improve on the way we provide water services. These new meters will help us to provide these services in a more efficient way,” said Lou Di Gironimo, General Manager, Toronto Water. “Under the new system, we will be able to detect water loss in the system, such as leaks, pipe breaks and open hydrants more quickly, which will result in saving water and costs.”

This program is mandatory for all homes in Toronto, as approved by City Council, under the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 851, Water Supply. The City has hired Neptune Technology Group to install the new meters and transmitters.


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