Tag: wastewater testing
Government of Canada continues to monitor and invest in COVID-19 wastewater...
Ottawa - On May 5, 2023, the World Health Organization determined the current COVID-19 situation no longer constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International...
What else is in a flush? UCalgary researchers are going to...
Calgary researchers behind the hugely successful COVID-19 wastewater monitoring program and online COVID tracker are convinced of the potential of wastewater as a public health tool,...
What monitoring COVID through wastewater can (and can’t) tell us
As pandemic restrictions have eased, many Canadians have begun enjoying gathering again with family, friends, and colleagues in a more carefree manner. While smoother...
Company of the Year: LuminUltra Technologies Ltd.
LuminUltra Technologies Ltd. was recognized as the Company of the Year at the 2021 Water’s Next Awards celebration. It also received additional recognition in...
Ontario Investing in New Initiative to Detect COVID-19 in Wastewater
The Ontario government is investing more than $12 million in a new initiative to detect COVID-19 in wastewater.
The province is partnering with 13 academic...
Wastewater Data Indicates Imminent Surge in New COVID-19 Cases in Saskatoon
Data collected by the University of Saskatchewan’s (USask) wastewater surveillance team shows that the number of COVID-19 cases in Saskatoon are likely to increase...
COVID-19 Early Warning System Developed for Saskatoon
An early warning system that samples and tests Saskatoon’s wastewater for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, has been developed by University of Saskatchewan researchers,...
Researcher Receives Federal Funding to Track Outbreaks Using Wastewater
Faster detection of food-borne illness outbreaks by combining wastewater monitoring and social media technologies is the goal of a new $6.5-million project led by...
LuminUltra Files Patent for Rapid, Onsite COVID-19 Wastewater Testing Solution
LuminUltra has filed a patent for a complete, rapid, and on-site COVID-19 wastewater testing solution that aims to make non-invasive community health assessment far...
University of Guelph Researchers Testing University Residence Wastewater as Early Detector...
Researchers at the University of Guelph are developing a wastewater testing methodology to detect levels of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and help prevent outbreaks of...