Tag: stormwater runoff

Multi-faceted approach enhances B.C.’s Stoney Creek Watershed

Coquitlam, B.C. - Coquitlam is making progress on improving water quality and sewer system performance in the Stoney Creek watershed through a multi-faceted, cooperative...

City-USask projects target Métis history, clean runoff, green rental housing

In three new projects, University of Saskatchewan (USask) researchers are aiming to trace and reconcile Métis history in Saskatoon, prevent a toxic compound from...

Study: Balancing protein in your diet could improve water quality

Protein consumption in the United States, from both plant and animal sources, ranks among the highest in the world. The study, published in the...

All About That Dace

Stormwater management strategy helps the Region of Peel treat polluted runoff and protect a local redside dace population. Understanding how an infrastructure project affects a...

Closing U.S. Water Infrastructure Gap Could Generate $220B

The Value of Water Campaign, supported by founding member Water Environment Federation (WEF), has released a new report that found closing the investment gap...

Conservation Authority Practices LID Stormwater Management

This summer, the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) made good on its own findings and reports, expanding the onsite parking area at its...

Damage Control

While City of Edmonton’s Dr. Fayi Zhou (general supervisor of environmental planning in the City’s drainage services branch) is proud of Edmonton’s Insurance Bureau...

Bio or Bust

“Anybody who thinks this is a run-of-the-mill problem is wrong,” says John Fjeldsted, executive director of the Manitoba Environmental Industries Association (MEIA). “Make no...

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