Ministry of the Environment

Turn of the Century

It’s almost impossible nowadays to open a newspaper or listen to a newscast without finding at least one article or report focussing on the criticisms…

How-To Strategies

Canada’s water resources scientists and engineers generally agree that climate change will have an impact on our water; however, we have not incorporated climate change…

Peter Kent Takes Charge of MOE

In an effort to help Canadians feel “stable,” Prime Minister Stephen Harper has made adjustments to his cabinet. Former broadcaster Peter Kent will now head…

Going Solo

Roman aqueducts and sewers provide a powerful emblem of the antiquity of urban water infrastructure—centralized approaches to water and wastewater service provision may seem similarly…

Groundwater Controversy

Ontario is moving ahead with controversial reforms to the law regarding the cleanup of contaminated sites. Extensive amendments to the Records of Site Condition Regulation…

Digging Up Dirt

While geothermal technology looks like a great alternative to oil, geothermal installations and their effect on groundwater have been a topic of environmental concern for…