Tag: cogeneration
Bonnybrook Wastewater Treatment Plant: From waste gas to five megawatts of...
As solids are broken down by bacterial and physical actions in sewage treatment, large volumes of gases are generated. Known as “biogas,” these gases...
City of Ottawa Committee Recommends Upgrades to WWTP
The City of Ottawa’s Standing Committee on Environmental Protection, Water, and Waste Management recommended that Council approve upgrades to the cogeneration system at the Robert O....
New Funding Stream for Green Infrastructure in B.C.
Under British Columbia’s climate plan, CleanBC, the province and federal government will help fund green infrastructure in the province, including cogeneration at wastewater treatment...
Environmental Quality Program to Fund Water Infrastructure in B.C.
With a $243-million partnership between the federal and provincial governments, communities in British Columbia will see increased investments in water infrastructure through the Environmental...
Wastewater Biogas Could Help Kingston, Ont. Meet 2030 Emissions Target
In a report to its City Council, Kingston, Ontario has found it is well on track to meet its 2020 emissions reduction target, but...
Waterloo Region to Go Biogas at Wastewater Plants
Combined, Galt, Kitchener, and Waterloo WWTPs produce approximately 13,000 to 20,000 cubic metres of biogas daily. The proposed additions
Guelph Turns Wastewater Gas into Energy
Recent upgrades to the cogeneration facility at the City of Guelph Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) will allow the city to save money by producing...