Peace River Basin Receives Partnership Grant

A $265,000 provincial grant will help the Mighty Peace Watershed Alliance deliver priority projects in support of Alberta’s Water For Life strategy. The Watershed Planning and Advisory Council partnership grant will advance environmental education, collaboration and planning throughout the Peace River basin. It will also support the continuation of community-based projects, such as the restoration of Heart River and the Redwillow River Watershed.

Shannon Phillips, Minister of Environment and Parks said, “The Mighty Peace Watershed Alliance is a valued partner that cares deeply about protecting and enhancing natural watershed features throughout the Peace River basin. I am grateful for their continuing efforts to help ensure the sustainability of precious water resources throughout Peace country.”

Rhonda Clarke-Gauthier, the executive director of the Mighty Peace Watershed Alliance said, “The continued support from the Government of Alberta in the form of a yearly grant for operations and projects is hugely important to the Mighty Peace Watershed Alliance (MPWA). As the Government designated Watershed Planning and Advisory Council for the Peace and Slave Basins, the MPWA uses these funds to evaluate the State of the Watershed and work with a multitude of stakeholders to prepare an Integrated Watershed Management Plan. The MPWA provides opportunity and direction for stakeholders to engage in discussion and planning. Everyone needs to evaluate and consider improved actions in all we do on the landscape that affects water quality and quantity. This watershed covers 30 per cent of Alberta’s landscape and the MPWA strives to engage all who live, work and play in the basin.”

Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils across the province play a key role in the management, restoration and protection of water resources. Additional Watershed Planning and Advisory Council partnership grants will be announced in the coming weeks.

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