If only the rains would come. In southwestern Ontario, the 2016 summer has seen limited and localized rainfall over much of Brant County, with Whitemans Creek and McKenzie Creek subwatersheds experiencing drought conditions. If the predictions from intergovernmental agencies are correct, then the summer of 2016 could be a taste of what future summers might be like–hotter and drier.
The Brant Soil and Crop Improvement Association (BSCIA) is responding by working directly with agricultural producers to run an educational tour to teach and share best practices to adapt to drought conditions.
OMAFRA staff, along with experts from the University of Guelph and the Grand River Conservation Authority, will show demonstrations and speak on a range of topics. The event will include a tour of soil pits and rainfall demonstrations, as well as speakers on soil health and biology, cover crops, and soil moisture monitoring.
“Learning to cope with drought is all about preparing for the future,” said Barry Hill, a BSCIA director-at-large and past president of the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association. “This twilight tour will allow farmers to think about how they will adapt if the predictions come true and share their experiences in coping with droughts.”
The tour will take place on on August 18, 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Steve Sickle’s farm, 361 McLean School Rd., St. George., Ont.
For more information, contact Pam Charlton at the Brant Soil and Crop Improvement Association at [email protected] or 519-752-8726.
Further information:
Pam Charlton, Secretary, Brant Soil and Crop Improvement Association
Phone 519-752-8726| Email [email protected] | Web https://ghscia.me
Sue Brocklebank, Conservation Specialist, Grand River Conservation Authority
Phone 519-621-2763 x2278 | Email [email protected]
Cam Linwood, Spokesperson, Grand River Conservation Authority
Phone 519-621-2763 x2251 | Email [email protected]