Fifteen projects in Nova Scotia will receive funding to help mitigate flood risk and support municipal infrastructure.
This includes $675,477 for 10 projects under the Provincial Capital Assistance Program and $246,448 for five projects under the Flood Risk Infrastructure Investment Program.
“The money will support key projects to help maintain and improve essential services for residents, as well as help municipalities reduce the risk of flooding,” said Chuck Porter, minister of municipal affairs and housing. “Access to safe drinking water, wastewater treatment, and addressing flood risk are vital for building strong, vibrant communities.”
The Provincial Capital Assistance Program allows the province to contribute funds towards high-cost priority municipal infrastructure projects. Projects receiving funding in 2020-21 include backup generation for wastewater treatment facilities, waterline replacement, and a condition assessment of a pump station.
The municipalities receiving funding through the Provincial Capital Assistance Program in the 2020-21 period include:
- Municipality of the District of Lunenburg: $25,655 for a generator for the Conquerall Bank water and wastewater treatment plant.
- Municipality of East Hants: $119,512 for Highway 215 water main replacement.
- Town of Antigonish: $125,000 for sewage treatment plant backup generation.
- Town of Middleton: $119,512 for reservoir design and pressure regulation options study.
- Town of Port Hawkesbury: $15,330 for detailed engineering services for water distribution upgrades.
- Town of Bridgewater: $48,337 for a pump station condition assessment.
- Village of Greenwood: $36,500 for the design of a sewer and stormwater system.
- Municipality of the County of Antigonish: $39,630 for the replacement of the West River waterline.
- Municipality of Chester: $130,358 for a wastewater needs assessment study.
- Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s: $15,643 for inflow and infiltration study, Sherbrooke wastewater collection and treatment system.
The municipalities receiving funding through the Flood Risk Infrastructure Investment Program in the 2020-21 period include:
- Town of Lockeport: $21,601 for the reconstruction of the Lockeport berm.
- Town of Lunenburg: $23,950 for a flood mitigation study.
- Municipality of the District of Lunenburg: $73,000 for the Petite Riviere watershed flooding mitigation assessment.
- Municipality of the District of Clare: $52,897 for repairs to the Belliveau Cove breakwater.
- Cape Breton Regional Municipality: $75,000 for the Prime Brook floodplain project.