The Manitoba government has launched a flood protection program to help municipalities prepare for spring flooding, according to an announcement made by Municipal Relations Minister Rochelle Squires and Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler.
“We want to help municipalities take steps to prevent the kind of significant damage flooding can cause to their communities,” Squires said. “Municipalities know best what will work for them and this program is designed to help them ensure protection put in place this year will benefit their communities for many years to come.”
Under the program, municipalities can be reimbursed for up to 100 per cent of approved flood preparedness or resiliency projects and equipment costs. The maximum funding available for each municipality will be based on the total value of all approved proposals, but up to $150,000 may be available for each municipal proposal. Consideration will be given for funding of up to $500,000 for the City of Winnipeg should flood risk warrant additional investment.
“The Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) welcomes the provincial government’s investment to enhance municipal capacity when responding to flood threats,” said Ralph Groening, president of AMM. “This funding support saves money in avoided flood damages, helps municipalities better prepare, and also builds resiliency for future floods.”
“It’s great to see programs like this offer incentives for preparedness,” added Colleen Sklar, executive director of the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region (WMR). “This kind of coordinated effort, with the inclusion of groups such as AMM and WMR, is critical to flood prevention and protection for years to come.”
Proposals will be reviewed by a panel made up of representatives from the Association of Manitoba Municipalities, Winnipeg Metropolitan Region, and the province. Evaluation of proposals will consider factors including flood risk, ability of the proposal to enhance emergency preparedness or resiliency for future flood events, as well as potential regional benefits. Proposals must be submitted by February 28, 2020.
Additional program details, including program guidelines and application form, are available here.