In 2007, Langley Township in British Columbia hosted the first of three events in the Metro Vancouver Showcasing Green Infrastructure Innovation. Now, a decade later, the Township and the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia have released a report on what has been achieved with respect to adaptive water and land management, green infrastructure, and its goal of fostering an attractive and livable community.
Using a storytelling approach, the report entitled, Green Infrastructure Innovation in Langley Township, highlights how “harmony and integration” have been achieved using a “whole-systems thinking” approach to neighbourhood development.
“This Watershed Case Profile celebrates the good work done by the Township,” said Kim Stephens, executive director of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia in the forward of the report. “By showcasing and sharing the ‘story behind the story’ of green infrastructure innovation, our hope is that other communities will learn from Township experience. Langley is demonstrating the critical success factors that must be in play to achieve a vision for Sustainable Watershed Systems, through Asset Management,” he said.
The program reflects the objectives set out in B.C.’s new Water Sustainability Act.
The new report is available at for download.