Bentley Systems Inc., a global provider of comprehensive software solutions for advancing infrastructure, has announced the completion of its CONNECT Edition application portfolio for design, analytical, construction, and asset performance modelling of infrastructure. The CONNECT Edition’s comprehensive modelling environment supports aligned digital workflows across applications for all project delivery disciplines, including water and wastewater.

Water Canada was present at Bentley’s The Year in Infrastructure 2017 Conference, held in Singapore to learn how digital workflows for digital cities could be enabled by the full CONNECT Edition application portfolio. Featured were four interdisciplinary vignettes on the design, construction, and operation of road, rail, water and wastewater, and airport infrastructure.

Water and Wastewater
Robert Mankowski, vice president, asset performance for Bentley, demonstrated how the CONNECT Editions of WaterGEMS and SewerGEMS could simulate the behaviour of a water distribution network and a wastewater collection system. He explained how engineers can rapidly evaluate thousands of planning scenarios to identify optimal improvements to meet the future needs of the city.

Mankowski introduced OpenPlant Modeler CONNECT Edition, which leverages digital components from Components Center for multi-discipline digital workflows. He used Navigator Web to interactively query a large and complex 3D OpenPlant model with a web browser. He then demonstrated new AssetWise capabilities purpose built for water and wastewater operators to capture asset activities or interventions, including CCTV condition surveys, sanitary sewer overflows, and pipe cleaning.

Owners can use this data combined with spatial and network analytics to make analytically and data-driven decisions for more targeted and optimized spending.

AssetWise now leverages machine learning services from Microsoft Azure to help owners find structure in their data, identify anomalous behaviour, and predict future outcomes based on past performance.

Bhupinder Singh, Bentley Systems’ chief product officer said, “Going digital is exemplified by aligned interdisciplinary digital workflows. Complex projects such as airports or railways require detailed coordination, particularly between horizontal and vertical infrastructure. The alignment of track, for example, has direct bearing on the design and structure of a rail station. The CONNECT Edition’s applications meet these requirements, as we illustrated in the vignettes presented today.”

“We are excited to now offer the full portfolio of CONNECT Edition applications and to provide a connected data environment scalable to even the most complex of projects. By adopting the CONNECT Edition now, users can immediately take advantage of digital context, digital components, and digital workflows across the infrastructure lifecycle for on-time project delivery and better performing assets,” Singh said.

Founded in 1984, Bentley has more than 3,000 colleagues in over 50 countries, more than $600 million in annual revenues, and since 2011 has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions. Bentley is a partner of the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies. The company has a Canadian office in Burlington, Ont.

Additional information about Bentley is available at


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