The Lake Winnipeg Foundation has launched a 2017 call for proposals to support projects working to improve water quality in Lake Winnipeg and its watershed. Program awards grants range from $500 to $10,000, and covere up to 100 per cent of eligible project costs, depending upon fund availability.
The LWF Grants Program is used to:
- Contribute to realizing the outcomes of the Lake Winnipeg Health Plan (LWHP)
- Increase collaboration and align collective efforts within the Lake Winnipeg watershed
- Support grassroots initiatives that raise awareness and engage citizens, students and local governments on innovative projects
- Provide seed or matching funds for projects that will leverage partnership contributions from industry, post-secondary institutions or non-government organizations.
- Identify and better understand new and emerging issues for Lake Winnipeg and its watershed
- Educate Manitobans on the challenges and opportunities facing this important ecosystem
LWF prioritizes projects that address one or more of the Lake Winnipeg Health Plan’s eight actions to reduce nutrient loading:
1. Keeping Water on the Land
2. Conserving the Boreal Forest
3. Setting the Standard for Wastewater Treatment
4. Monitoring our Waterways
5. Managing our Shorelines
6. Promoting Agricultural Water Stewardship
7. Investing in a Clean Water Economy
8. Taking Responsibility
Proposals are due on December 1, 2017. The grants will be awarded in March 2018.
For more information about the program or to download the current application forms, please visit the LWF grants page: or contact Kirsten Earl McCorrister, Programs Director, Lake Winnipeg Foundation at 204-956-0436 or [email protected].