Increased Funding for SW Sask.

Farmers and ranchers in the 65 drought-designated RMs in Southwest Saskatchewan, looking for long-term solutions to deal with drought, will receive additional support. The federal and provincial governments are working together to increase funding for the Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program (FRWIP) to $29 million.

The FRWIP, announced last spring, provides funding for on-farm wells, pipelines and dugouts, as well as community wells. These measures address short-term needs while providing long-term solutions. The original funding for this program totaled $15 million.

The program has been very successful, with nearly 3,400 applications submitted by producers and RMs. Governments are increasing funding to address this high demand.

This assistance is being provided under the AgriRecovery program complementing other federal initiatives, including tax deferral for livestock producers and federal assistance under the Canada-Saskatchewan Water Supply Expansion Program (CSWSEP). The program is cost shared on a 60-40 basis between the federal and provincial governments.

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