Four Vie for Top AWWA Post

In January, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) board of directors will select the association’s next president-elect from among four candidates, two new vice-presidents from among seven candidates, and a director-at-large from among two nominees.

The election will take place at the winter board meeting in Tucson, Arizona, January 24-25. The president-elect will serve a one-year term, beginning in June 2009 and become AWWA president in June 2010. The candidates are:

  • Don Degen is the water and drainage manager for the city of Kelowna, B.C. He has been with Kelowna since 1990, in the water industry since 1975, and with AWWA since 1992.
  • Mike Hooker, executive director of the Onondaga County (N.Y.) Water Authority, has been with OCWA for 15 years, almost half of his 31 years in the water industry. He joined AWWA 27 years ago.
  • Joe Mantua is project manager at Black & Veatch Corp. He has been with the firm for just over a year, in the water industry for 24 years, and an AWWA member since 1987.
  • Jerry Stevens is general manager of West Des Moines (Iowa) Water Works.He has spent the last four years of his 33-year career at West Des Moines and hasbeen an AWWA member since coming into the industry in 1975.

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