Durham Region will see an increase in their water and sanitary sewer rates in 2014, as Durham Regional Council approved a combined increase of 6.3 per cent (just under nine per cent increase for water and four per cent for sewer), or just over $50 per year for the average regional household.

Durham Region waterfront. Credit: Regional Municipality of Durham.

“Our water is worth it – no other regional service has a greater impact on our everyday life than the delivery of clean, safe drinking water, and the proper treatment of wastewater to protect the local environment,” said Regional Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Roger Anderson. “With these user rates, Durham Regional Council has ensured the Region of Durham will continue to provide a safe, reliable service in a very cost-effective way.”

The increases—which will help cover the cost of maintenance and repair of existing infrastructure, increases in operating costs, and capital improvements—will come into effect January 1.

“User rate increases are necessary to support the entire system needed to supply water and treat sanitary sewage safely and efficiently now and in the future, as the population and demand grows,” said Commissioner of Works, Cliff Curtis.


  1. Municipality of Durham Regional has increased the water and sewage rate to an average of 9% per year in the last 10 years. That is way more than gas and electricity price increase controlled by Ontario Board of Energy.

  2. Municipality of Durham Regional has increased the water and sewage rate to an average of 9% per year in the last 10 years. That is way more than gas and electricity price increase controlled by Ontario Board of Energy.


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