The City of Oshawa, along with the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, Ducks Unlimited Canada, and Friends of Second Marsh, began a drawdown project at the end of April to aid the Oshawa Second Marsh wetland. The drawdown will mimic natural conditions that historically occurred in Lake Ontario during high and low water levels and will ensure that the Second Marsh continues to function as a healthy wetland for diverse wildlife.

The drawdown will benefit many aquatic invertebrates that do better when the marsh is temporarily dried. As the marsh is re-flooded, invertebrates will exploit new resources and their populations should flourish.

“Although the drawdown may not look like it is good for the marsh, the experts tell me it is necessary to keep the Second Marsh functioning as a healthy ecosystem,” said Councillor Bob Chapman, chair of the community services committee. “I’m sure watching this project from start to finish will be most interesting.”


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