Ontario’s Greyter Water Systems has won the Best Green Building Product award for its HOME greywater recycling solution during the 2017 NAHB International Building Show Awards in Orlando, Florida.

Greyter’s out-of-the-box-water reuse technology, recycles shower and bath water so that it can be reused for toilet flushing or for irrigation.

The company’s greywater system was judged by 28 industry and media professionals. CEO Mark Sales, CEO and co-founder and VP Bus Development, John Bell attended the show to accept the award.

“We are extremely honored and humbled in accepting this award,” said  Bell. “A very special thank you to both the NAHB for their nomination and to the judges for selecting the Greyter HOME as this year’s winner. We also recognize and salute this year’s finalists. And, of course, thank you to the Greyter Water Systems team and to our extended family and friends for always supporting us.”

Nominees for the Green Building Product Award 


Greyter has actively promoted its onsite water reuse technology solutions for commercial buildings over the past five years with architects, engineers, designers, builders, and developers. Some of Greyter’s recent international projects include Radisson Park Inn in Costa Rica, U.S. Air Force Clovis New Mexico, Canadian National Defence in Halifax, and the Ontario Ministry of Education schools.


  1. I recently finished construction of our new cottage. Our waste water all goes into the septic tank and gets hauled away. During the build,however, I had separate piping installed for the sinks and shower and bath so that, some day, I’ll be able to redirect that grey water to a treatment system which will provide me with another source of water for my lawn. Currently it goes into the septic tank. Can you help me out here? Is such a system available at a reasonable cost?


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