Through a provincial grant from the General Strategic Priorites Fund, the City of Vernon, B.C. has been awarded $801,800 representing the full cost of the project to upgrade BX Creek from Swan Lake to Pleasant Valley Road. The work will significantly improve water quality and aquatic habitat, enhancing and protecting a valuable aspect of community green space.
Commenting on the extensive planning of this project, Rob Dickinson, manager, engineering services acknowledged those who have partnered with the City throughout the planning phase. “It will be exciting to see the construction of this project this fall, as it has been a three-year coordinated effort between the local interest groups, property owners, local municipalities and of course the provincial and federal governments.”
Over the past decade or more, the BX Creek water system has experienced serious degradation from erosion and debris as well as a serious reduction in aquatic species that usually inhabit the Creek. By deepening the water channel and creating sedimentation ponds along the route, new spawning beds for the various fish species will be created and provide a larger capacity for storm water, thereby reducing flooding and bank erosion along the route.
In response to the grant notification, Mayor Wayne Lippert expressed his gratitude on behalf of Council. “We’re very grateful to the province for this grant which represents 100 per cent of the project costs. We are also pleased to note that, included in the project objective, is the construction of a new creekside trail system that will be available for the public’s enjoyment, and I’m looking forward to its completion.”