BLOOM has announced grant funding to support the completion of seven clean technology demonstration projects. The water cleantech pilot is focused on an innovative solids management technology.
The demonstrations are unique collaborative projects involving both a cleantech solution provider as well as an end-use customer host who is representative of the broader target sector. In addition, each project includes other strategic partners to support the roll-out and market adoption of the low-carbon cleantech solution, following completion of the demonstration.
Projects that will impact water management practices include:
- Trojan Technologies and the City of London—to apply an innovative solids management technology to optimize the primary treatment and filtration process in municipal wastewater treatment plants resulting in reduced costs and greenhouse gas emissions
- Wayside Energy and Harcolm Farms—to test a small-scale anaerobic bio-digester system and demonstrate the energy and resource self-sufficiency for the carbon neutral farm of the future
“We are very pleased with the high level of interest and demand for our Cleantech Demonstration Program.” said Kevin Jones, President and CEO, BLOOM. “These projects will increase market adoption of cleantech solutions, reduce GHG emissions and help transition Ontario to a low carbon economy.”
The outcomes and results of the demonstration projects will be used to:
- Inform sector stakeholders that viable cleantech and low-carbon solutions are commercially available;
- Reduce the perceived environmental, economic, and business risks of adopting cleantech solutions;
- Bridge the adoption gap and increase the market demand for cleantech solutions; and
- Quantify the economic, GHG emission reduction, and other environmental and societal benefits from the widespread adoption of cleantech solutions in Ontario.
“Reducing carbon emissions is central to our government’s commitment to address climate change in Ontario,” said Reza Moridi, Minister of Research, Innovation and Science. “These seven targeted technology demonstration projects will play a vital role by partnering innovators with industries in urban or rural locations across Ontario, to test and accelerate cleantech solutions, and deliver economic, market adoption, and environmental breakthroughs.”
Other projects include carbon sequestering cement, smart furnaces, and a CO2 refrigeration technology.
“These are exciting projects that not only highlight innovative cleantech approaches to reduce GHG impact, they are also structured to use real performance data to show that the solutions make sense,” said Michael Fagan, Senior VP, BLOOM.
All of the clean technology demonstration projects are to be completed by March 31, 2018. For more information visit