Jordan Moran, an operations manager for Saint John Water, was awarded the Silent Hero Award by the Atlantic Canada Water Works Association (ACWWA) on December 3, 2021.

Jordan has been with the City of Saint John since 2013 and with Saint John Water since 2016. He is responsible for the operation of two wastewater treatment facilities, a wastewater lagoon, and 73 lift stations varying in size and complexity. Jordan also manages 23 employees who work within Saint John Water’s wastewater facilities.

“We celebrate and thank Jordan for his hard work and dedication, and for leading the team in the Environmental Protection Service area as it delivers exceptional service to our community,” said Kendall Mason, director of Saint John Water. “The pandemic has created a more challenging work environment for us all. From day one, Jordan has stepped up to meet the demands required to maintain the efficient operations of the City’s wastewater facilities, while safeguarding the health and wellbeing of his team.”


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