WaterTAP Launches WaterTech Export Development Program

Canadian water technology companies interested in targeting high-potential water and wastewater utility clients in California or Texas should take note of a new pilot program being offered by the Water Technology Acceleration Project (WaterTAP).

With funding from the Global Opportunities for Industry Association’s (GOA) federal government grants and contribution program, WaterTAP has launched a call for companies to participate in an export development pilot program for the Canadian water sector.

The program is also being run in partnership with WatrHub Inc., an Ontario-based data-mining and analytics company that delivers timely, tailored market intelligence on water and wastewater systems. WatrHub works with its clients to define sales targets, mine municipal data, and help identify, prioritize, and monitor high-potential leads.

Participating companies will work with WatrHub and WaterTAP over a four-month period to:

  • Identify up to 300 potential utility/municipal sales leads in California or Texas.
  • Monitor these leads using specified indicators to identify high-potential clients and shorten the sales cycle.
  • Contact high-potential clients and, where possible, set up meetings during WEFTEC (September 30 – October 4, 2017) and Ontario Water Innovation Week (October 30 – November 3, 2017)

Participants may also have the opportunity to attend a targeted Canadian trade mission to Texas or California to further pursue these high-potential leads.

Participating companies to receive WatrHub’s service at a special rate. The current cost of this WatrHub service is US$16,000

Company eligibility requirements:

  • The company must be a Canadian registered for-profit company operating under the laws of Ontario or Canada and must have a permanent establishment in Canada.
  • Municipalities must make up 75 per cent or more of company sales.
  • The company’s technology must be implemented or piloted in California or Texas.
  • Annual company revenues must be between $2 million and $10 million.
  • At least one company representative is attending WEFTEC 2017.
  • The company has never used WatrHub’s services.

Four companies from across Canada will be selected for this pilot program. If your company meets the above eligibility requirements and you are interested in this opportunity, please submit this application form.

If you have any questions, please contact Lesley Herstein ([email protected], 416-593-0303 x108).

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