Waterloo Region Sends Message to Water Bottlers

Toronto, Ont.-Waterloo Region is the next in the growing list of municipalities taking steps to reducing bottled water use. Yesterday, the Planning and Works Committee voted to recommend to council a motion that will see the end of single-use bottled water sales in many public facilities.

“A growing number of Canadians are recognizing the environmental impacts of bottled water and thinking twice before buying it,” said Mike Layton, project coordinator for Environmental Defence, an organization that lobbies against climate change. “Not only does it destroy the environment, but it takes a toll on our wallets. People don’t need to buy expensive and unsustainable bottled water when there is an excellent source of clean water delivered directly to their kitchen sinks and water fountains.”

Municipal water supplies are rigorously tested for chemical and biological contaminants, while the frequency and testing results for bottled water are not publicly available, Environmental Defence said in a press release.

The cities of London, Ontario, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Nelson, British Columbia have all passed similar resolutions and the City of Toronto will be discussing options for curbing bottled water use at public facilities and events later this fall.

“It is refreshing to see municipal governments taking the first step towards going bottled water free,” said Layton. “We hope that cities and town across Canada will take similar steps. It’s easy and sends a great message to Canadians and businesses.”

Look for more on the bottled water debate in the next issue of Canadian Water Treatment.

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