The Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada have elected 89 new Fellows, including one with a focus on water resources management and public policy. The newly elected Fellows have diverse backgrounds and disciplines. They have been elected by their peers in recognition of outstanding scholarly, scientific and artistic achievement.

Jamie Benidickson, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa

Jamie Benidickson was awarded for hisjamie_benidickson contributions in environmental law, legal history and public policy. He is widely regarded for his detailed analyses of natural resource management and interdisciplinary work on the legal framework for water and wastewater infrastructure–which has attracted international attention within the legal, social sciences, engineering, and public health communities.

Benidickson teaches Canadian and International Environmental Law, Water Law, Sustainable Development Law and legal history at the University of Ottawa. His publications in these areas include The Culture of Flushing: A Social and Legal History of Sewage (UBC Press, 2007), short-listed in 2008 for the Harold Adams Innis Prize.

His ongoing research projects centre on governance regimes for watersheds, biodiversity and sustainable development in Canada, a social history of the Lake of the Woods, and the regulation of beer and breweries.


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