The Union Bay Improvement District (UBID), based in British Columbia, awarded the contract for the construction of its new water treatment plant to Ridgeline Mechanical Ltd., a Comox Valley based firm with extensive experience with municipal waterworks projects.

This marks a major milestone as UBID moves forward with its plan to address water quality issues.

Two other important project milestones were also achieved this week. Island Health approved the water supply system construction permit for the Langley Lake water treatment plant and the Comox Valley Regional District approved the UBID’s application for building permits.

“The UBID’s most critical service is to provide clean, safe, and reliable water to our residents, and moving to a system that can do so is our top priority,” said Ted Haraldson, Chair of UBID’s Board of Trustees. “Completing these three steps represents significant progress towards delivering a new water treatment system to our residents.”

UBID provides water service to 690 properties between Spindrift Drive and the Buckley Bay Ferry Terminal. Water is drawn from Langley Lake and the sole water treatment process UBID currently performs is chlorination. Regulations around water treatment standards have changed and, as a result, the current system is not compliant with the provincial surface water quality treatment objectives guideline.

“While construction of a new water treatment plant has been mandated by Island Health, UBID understands the concerns of land owners regarding increases to parcel taxes, and is mindful of its responsibility to ensure the project remains affordable,” said Haraldson. “The funding model developed to deliver this essential project will see parcel taxes increase by approximately $46 per year.”

The total cost of the project is $4.2 million, of which $700,000 will be contributed from UBID’s Public Works Capital Reserve and $3.5 million will be borrowed and amortized over 25 years. Parcel taxes will increase from $345 to approximately $391 in 2020.

Construction of the new water treatment plant is anticipated to begin in June 2019, with project completion expected in early 2020. UBID has worked with Koers Engineering to develop and design a new water treatment plant that meets provincial standards. The project is comprised of four components:

  1. Installation of a new water filtration system
  2. Construction of a new building to house water treatment equipment
  3. Construction of a new glass-fused steel water reservoir
  4. Installation of new water main and tie-ins


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