Tag: rural
Regionalism Approach to Drinking Water Offers Rural Resilience
Rural regions in Canada face many challenges when it comes to managing drinking water systems. New research from the University of Saskatchewan examines the potential to manage...
Ontario Recognized Freshwater Users in Inaugural Rural Leader Award
Ontario has recognized innovative leadership in rural communities through the inaugural Rural Ontario Leaders Awards, winners of the award include innovative freshwater users.
Jeff Leal,...
Charlottetown Mayor Responds to Provincial Water Act Debate
The mayor of Charlottetown, P.E.I., has responded to comments made during the November 29th debate of the province's new Water Act. Mayor Clifford Lee...
Ministers of Agriculture Reach New National Agreement
Ministers of agriculture reached agreement in Newfoundland this week on the key elements of a new federal, provincial, territorial agricultural policy framework, during the...
Man. Rural Municipality Completes $3M Water Pipelines Expansion
Yesterday, Manitoba’s Rural Municipality of Dauphin unveiled the completion of Phase I of the Rural Water Pipelines Expansion, a $3,130,000 million investment in water...
Incredible Potential of Onsite Water Treatment Systems
Onsite wastewater treatment systems can provide permanent, affordable, and safe solutions for small communities. They can remove pollutants, including nitrogen and phosphorous, and often...
Ottawa to Update Water, Wastewater, Stormwater Rates
Ottawa’s announcement assured residents that “over 85 [per cent] of their 400,000 households and properties will see no change to their monthly water bill
Alberta Boosts Funding for Municipal Clean Water Systems
Today the Alberta government announced that Budget 2015 will invest $545 million over five years towards water infrastructure in municipalities across Alberta. Over five...