Tag: carbon

Research: Earthquake risk minimal when storing carbon under the deep ocean

Injecting carbon dioxide (CO2) into ocean basalt has almost no risk of triggering any seismic activity such as earthquakes or fault slip according to...

Wastewater Exempt from Canadian Carbon Pricing Scheme

On May 18th, the Government of Canada has released a technical paper on pricing carbon pollution. The report noted that wastewater operations will be exempt...

New Funding for Municipal Climate Change Adaptation, Flooding

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) has made available new funding for municipalities to undertake plans and studies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)...

Guelph Uses Methane Gas from Wastewater to Fuel Vehicles

The City of Guelph's transit, planning and environmental services come together for a new pilot project that will allow the City to fuel its...

WWF: Canadians Using Three Times Share of Global Resources

Human demands on the world's resources have reached nearly a third more than planet can sustain, according to the latest edition of WWF's Living...

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