Saskatchewan Invests in Water System Upgrades for Provincial Park

The Government of Saskatchewan announced on August 21 that it will invest upwards of $850,000 in potable water system upgrades at Pike Lake Provincial Park. The potable water system serves all facilities within the park, including campsites, service centres, maintenance facilities, the swimming pool, and the park store.

Con-Tech General Contractors Ltd. of Saskatoon will deliver the second phase of upgrades, which involves the supply, installation, and commissioning of all water treatment equipment; the installation of underground distribution piping; and the decommissioning of the existing water reservoir. The project will prepare the park for possible connection to a regional water utility in the future, and will resolve potable water treatment and distribution issues. The project is expected to be completed by late this fall.

Phase one of the project involved constructing a new pump house building, installing three above ground water storage tanks, and other site developments. Work on this phase of the project was completed last year.

“We are fortunate in Saskatchewan to have our great quality of life enhanced by our 35 provincial parks,” Parks, Culture and Sport Minister Mark Docherty said.  “Ensuring our park visitors are provided with a safe, clean water supply is paramount to supporting this high quality of life.”

One comment

  1. This is lovely that the parks have potable water- but soon if not careful there will be no lake at Pike Lake. As there is no pumping from the Saskatchewan river into the lake, the levels are dangerously low. The natural habitat for fish, fauna and the turtles is startling low and will unless pumping occurs be a significant loss in numbers once the freeze hits. The lake is not deep to being with and the ecosystem delicate.

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