Region of Peel Prioritizes Water, LID in New Corporate Sustainability Strategy

The Region of Peel’s Regional Council adopted a new Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy this week that sets objectives for increased water efficiency and stormwater management at all its facilities, as well as low impact development (LID).

“We are already achieving many positive outcomes for the community by operating responsibly and with corporate social responsibility in mind,” said Stephen VanOfwegen, commissioner of finance and chief financial officer. “This strategy provides us with a more structured approach to integrating corporate social responsibility within our operating practices, which will help enhance our environmental and social performance while continuing to deliver strong economic benefits to residents and businesses in Peel.”

The strategy states that, staff will report annually on progress, challenges and barriers, and refinement and or realignment of the outcomes, based on the concept of adaptive management/continuous improvement. The Region will also share its CSR experiences with other anchor institutions stakeholders within the Region of Peel to improve CSR performance regionally. The Strategy will be reviewed every five years.

The Regional Municipality of Peel consists of three municipalities to the west and northwest of Toronto: the cities of Brampton and Mississauga, and the town of Caledon. Approximately 1.297 million live within the region.

For more information, have a look at the full Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy or Framework.

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