Recognizing Inspiring Environmental Professionals At The ECO Impact Awards Gala

For over 25 years ECO Canada (Environmental Careers Organization) has helped nurture the environmental sector by connecting professionals to training programs, certifications, career development resources and labour market research.

Today ECO Canada boasts close to 3,000 certified Environmental Professional (EP) members across the country doing amazing work and making an impact through various innovative projects. It was important to recognize their contributions and bring awareness to their work. And in 2017 ECO Canada launched the ECO Impact Awards, the first of which was hosted in Calgary, and brought together like-minded professionals for an evening of networking, keynote presentations and the awards ceremony. The awards serve as a platform to recognize excellence and celebrate environmental champions.

For 2018, ECO Canada is pleased to be hosting the 2nd Annual ECO Impact Awards in Toronto on November 7 at the Arcadian Loft. This green carpet awards gala will be hosted by renowned emcee Fred Keating and will be featuring keynote speaker Glen Murray, former Ontario cabinet minister for environment and climate change; along with career success presentations from three esteemed guest speakers;

Jacquelyn Stevens, Partner – Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP, President, Women’s Law Association of Ontario

David Isaac, President – Indigenous Futurist & President, W Dusk Group, Former Interim Executive Director – Centre for Native Policy and Research (SFU)

Marilyn Baxter, EP – Recipient of Environmental Lifetime Achievement Award, Former Environmental Manager, Hamilton Port Authority, Former Executive Director – Bay Area Restoration Council, Hamilton, ON

If you’re someone who works in the environmental sector and is keen to engage with fellow like minded professionals for an evening of networking, special presentations, awards ceremony over a 3-course plated meal at a beautiful venue then please join us on November 7. Registration is now open, and tickets are just $75 per person. Visit to learn more and register today.

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