A progress report released on March 23 highlights achievements of the first year of Nova Scotia’s water resource management strategy, called Water for Life, which was released in December 2010.

“Nova Scotians understand the importance of clean water to our health, our environment and our economy,” said Environment Minister Sterling Belliveau in a press release. “Through our water resource management strategy, we’re taking steps to ensure it is carefully managed and protected.”

The progress report highlights various successes, including the development of the the Nova Scotia Watershed Assessment Program, in partnership with Dalhousie University and a water monitoring field kit and certification program at Saint Mary’s University as part of the Community-Based Environmental Monitoring Network.

“Water plays a vital role in the lives of Nova Scotians, but not just for our health: it is critically important for our environment and our economy, and contributes in many ways to the quality of life in the province,” said Graham Daborn, emeritus professor, Acadia Centre for Estuarine Research, and chair, Nova Scotia Water Advisory Group. “We have made progress since the water strategy was released over a year ago, and we look forward to even greater steps forward in the coming years.”


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