A proponent has been selected to design, build, finance, operate, and maintain (DBFOM) the Capital Regional District (CRD) Residuals Treatment Facility located at the Hartland Landfill.

Maple Reinders announced that Hartland Resource Management Group (HRMG), a special purpose company of which Maple Reinders PPP Ltd. is a development partner, has reached financial close and has subsequently been awarded the contract for DBFOM of the facility. This facility marks the fourth Canadian environmental project that Maple Reinders will deliver under the Public Private Partnership (PPP) format, a first amongst its fellow Canadian contractors.

“CRD staff developed and maintained a stringent standard for the treatment of this material,” said Reuben Scholtens, director, Infrastructure Development for Maple Reinders. “The CRD procurement process was firm but fair, which ultimately drove the best value and a proven solution for the CRD. We are excited at the prospect of working for this client on this future-ready, best-in-class facility.”

The CRD Residuals Treatment Facility will treat residual solids produced at the CRD’s new McLoughlin Point wastewater treatment plant, using proven anaerobic digestion followed by thickening, dewatering, and a drying process, utilizing a fluid bed dryer, which is an advanced system common in Europe. Once complete, this facility will house the first fluid bed dryer of this type in Canada and the second in North America.

DBFOM of P3 projects are becoming increasingly common for Canadian environmental infrastructure. Federal, provincial, municipal, and First Nations’ governments are turning to this model to support timely and on-budget delivery and to assure long-term operations and maintenance costs.


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