ECO Canada has announced a new partnership with the Future Skills Centre to support Canada’s Blue Economy workforce.

“This project will support Canada’s emergence as a global leader in the sustainable Blue Economy and create a workforce that will be equipped to meet the immediate nature of making this critical resource economy sustainable,” said Kevin Nilsen, president and CEO of ECO Canada.

This initiative, Development of Canada’s National Occupational Standards for a Sustainable Blue Economy, will document the competencies of SBE workers across six sub sectors to develop new National Occupational Standard profiles. The sub sectors include:

  1. Fishery and aquaculture.
  2. Ocean technologies.
  3. Offshore minerals and resources.
  4. Marine renewables.
  5. Marine transport, ports, and shipping.
  6. Coastal and marine tourism.

The new profiles will support the industry by providing detailed information about what Canadian SBE employers need from their workers. The National Occupational Standard profiles will identify the essential needs, skills, and competencies that a worker must have to be successful in their job in the Blue Economy.

“The jobs that we associate with fisheries and oceans are changing dramatically and new skills will be required for the many new types of jobs emerging,” said Pedro Barata, executive director of the Future Skills Centre. “Assessing the skills and competencies that will be needed in this evolving sector will be crucial to ensuring that it continues to thrive and enable workers to transition into growth areas. This initiative is a great example of the projects Future Skills Centre is investing in to identify new and better practices for the workforce of the future.”

This partnership addresses the organizations’ mutual priority of providing necessary skills to Canadians in support of the growing Blue Economy. The joint knowledge and resource leverage that ECO Canada and the Future Skills Centre bring ensures that no skills are lost as Canada transitions from the traditional Blue Economy into SBE, while simultaneously promoting job growth and upscaling.

“We’re pleased to team up with our partners at the Future Skills Centre to work together to ensure Canada’s environmental workforce is meeting the ever-changing needs of employers, including those working towards sustainability and harnessing the potential of Canada’s oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers to improve the lives of all,” said Dr. Yogendra Chaudry, VP of professional services & ESG at ECO Canada.

Canada is an ocean nation with the world’s longest coastline. Canada’s ocean sectors contribute nearly $32 billion annually in gross domestic product and account for roughly 300,000 jobs. This partnership will identify opportunities for workforce mobility, diversification, and connect Canadians to in-demand occupations in the Blue Economy. In doing so, the partnership will support the Government of Canada’s commitment to growing Canada’s Blue Economy at home and around the globe.


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