The Government of New Brunswick’s technical working group tasked with developing a management plan for Shediac Bay watershed, which includes Parlee Beach, is expected to complete the plan by year’s end.

The new watershed management plan, along with the completed wetlands mapping which was introduced in January, and a proposed stormwater bylaw for the Town of Shediac will function as more effective tools to address local concerns related to water quality, wetlands, and campgrounds.

“We are shifting our focus toward watershed management planning and the completed mapping of wetlands as water quality continues to be monitored in this area,” said Environment and Local Government Minister Jeff Carr.

As a result, the Guideline for the Screening of Projects in a Drainage Area of Concern Adjacent to Parlee Beach will no longer be used. Projects that were previously screened included everything from decks to baby barns to fences.

Parlee Beach will continue to be considered a unique feature of the environment and Environmental Impact Assessment registrations and reviews may still be required for any project that has the potential to affect its water quality.

Additional information can be found in the 2019 Parlee Beach and Shediac Bay Watershed Water Quality Results report on the Parlee Beach water quality webpage.


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