New Brunswick Community Completes Wastewater System Upgrades

The Local Service District of Allardville, New Brunswick, celebrated the completion of more than $3.3 million in upgrades to its wastewater system on July 9. Funding for the project came from the federal Gas Tax Fund.

“This is a very positive project for this area,” said Environment and Local Government Minister Danny Soucy. “Having an effective wastewater treatment system improves the quality of life and contributes to a clean environment.”

The upgrades saw Allardville’s old lagoon, which was at capacity, converted to a polishing pond and a new lagoon constructed adjacent. The collection system was also extended 800 metres on Route 134, south of the community, and 970 metres on Route 160, west of the community. The extension will accommodate an additional 53 users.

“The completion of upgrades to Allardville’s wastewater treatment system is the successful conclusion of work by many volunteers in our community as well as the financial support from different levels of government,” said Eric Gauvin, president of the advisory committee for the Local Service District of Allardville.

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