Nanaimo, British Columbia has completed its first-ever water audit, an undertaking aimed at better understanding the population’s water consumption and demand, according to a city press release. The audit included a primary examination of meter information, and field inspections to ensure the validity of the desk top analysis.
According to the audit, Nanaimo residents on average use 251 litres of water per person per day, below the provincial and national averages (353 litres/person/day and 274 litres/person/day respectively). The total commercial, residential and industrial average water use is 492 litres per person per day which is also below provincial and national averages (606 litres/person/day and 510 litres/person/day respectively).
The audit also found that the city’s supply and distribution system is working well, and that water leakage is at less than 10 per cent, which compares favourably to other Canadian cities. Additionally, the city’s water meters seem to be in good repair, with a 98 per cent accuracy rate being reported.