As part of its goal to develop guidelines for wetland protection, New Brunswick’s provincial government will partner with the Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP) of Saint John to establish a Wetland Restoration Inventory for the Greater Saint John region, announced Environment Minister Margaret-Ann Blaney yesterday.

ACAP will work with the department to identify wetlands in need of restoration. The inventory will be used by the department and proponents when wetland compensation is required under the Watercourse and Wetland Alteration Regulation and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation.

“This pilot project is also a good opportunity for the department and ACAP to inform and educate the public and developers about the issue of wetlands in Greater Saint John and in New Brunswick,” said Blaney. “At the department we often see the destruction of wetland ecosystems. The department’s policy is that we have no net-loss of wetland function, therefore, if a wetland is negatively impacted, compensation is required.”


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