Yesterday, the governments of Canada and Saskatchewan announced funding to upgrade the Town of Lampman’s wastewater treatment infrastructure.

The federal and provincial governments are each contributing more than $1.6 million to this project through the New Building Canada Fund’s Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component—National and Regional Projects. The project has a total eligible cost of $5 million. The Town of Lampman is responsible for all remaining costs.

“The Government of Saskatchewan is proud to be contributing more than $1.6 million toward this very important project for the Town of Lampman,” Government Relations Minister Larry Doke said. “This will improve the quality of life for Lampman residents and keeps our province strong through investments in core infrastructure by supporting and building our communities.”

The work includes constructing a new, two-cell lagoon and sewage force main, upgrading the current sewage pumping station, and decommissioning the existing lagoon. The project aims to support economic development by ensuring reliable and modern wastewater services that meet the needs of residents and businesses while protecting local waterways and ecosystems.

“Modern and efficient infrastructure is the foundation of the Canada we want to build for tomorrow,” said Ralph Goodale Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness. “Upgrading these 55-year-old facilities will not only help safeguard public health, but will also preserve the local environment and lay important groundwork for future community development.”

Lampan, Northeast of Estevan, Saskatchewan in the Souris River sub-watershed, which the WWF watershed report released in June of this year lists as highly threatened by climate change, pollution, habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, and overuse of water. Additionally, the overall health of the watershed is unknown due to insufficient data, but does note that water flow is poor and water quality fair.

“When federal, provincial, and municipal governments work together to improve local infrastructure, much-needed projects like ours can more easily become a reality,” said Sean Paxman, Mayor of Lampman. “The Town of Lampman looks forward to its new wastewater lagoon moving forward, and thanks the governments of Canada and Saskatchewan for their funding contributions.”


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