The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative (GLSCI) has honoured Kingston, Ontario with an award for the Most Innovative Conservation Method for its utility management model and its commercial and multi-residential incentives.

Kingston skyline. Credit: Kevin MacKinnon.
Kingston skyline. Credit: Kevin MacKinnon.

“It’s wonderful to know that our multi-utility model and our suite of water conservation programs are considered top-notch by our fellow Great Lakes communities,” said Jim Keech, president and CEO of Utilities Kingston.

The GSLCI is a group of more than 110 mayors and other officials on both sides of the border who collaborate with governments to improve restoration and protection measures on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. The body held its annual general meeting and conference from June 18-20 in Thunder Bay, where three other communities were also recognized.

The City of Highland Park, Illinois, was selected for the Wege Small Cities Sustainability Best Practices Award for its Water Conservation & Efficiency Initiative, which includes regulations, tiered water rates, and public education on the impacts of excessive water consumption.

Grand Rapids, Michigan received the Most Progress on Water Conservation award for its great improvements in water conservation over recent years.

Montréal received the 2014 Green CiTTS Award, recognizing the city for its sustainable municipal water management public report, one of the first of its kind through the Green CiTTS Sustainable Municipal Water Management Framework.


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